Lashaan Balasingam
1,459 reviews4,618 followers
You can find my review on my blog by clicking here. To encapsulate the classic cyberpunk series, Kodansha Comics has been releasing the original Battle Angel Alita story line in five beautiful hardcover deluxe editions throughout the year. The latest volume brings joy to fans with a special edition that comes complete their collection with four short stories that have never been published in English before, all set at different moments within the original series’ universe. Offering fans the opportunity to explore various characters and events, these stories procure a very nostalgic and comforting experience into a beloved series. “Holy Night” is an origin story of cyberphysician Daisuke Ido before he meets Alita in the Scrapyard. While having difficulties doing operations on cyborgs, he finds himself on an identity quest to understand what he wants to do in his life. As if destiny had already set him on a course towards answers, he finds himself in a touching and tragic tale with a peculiar young lady who will lead him to find his way in life. “Sonic Finger” is an action-packed adventure that introduces a new threat to Alita in the midst of her story arc regarding her Motor ball fame. With the initial intention to draw attention to her fine combat skills in an ancient forgotten style, the story also looks to showcase the limitless possibilities in the Battle Angel Alita universe and its cybernetic world. “Hometown” is a much more experimental story as it follows a character that has rarely ever interested anyone and looks into Alita’s darker times as a tune agent. This dialogue-less story delivers a sad story regarding Machine and their ability to be empathetic. While it is the shortest story in this collection, it is also one that hits you hard emotionally with Alita seen as a danger to society. “Barjack Rhapsody” expands on the Barjack revolution story arc by putting the young photographer Koyomi in the spotlight. This tale explores the young girl’s transformation into adulthood but also delves into her search for purpose and passion. With a very quirky humour integrated subtlety into the story, it also gives a very sarcastic take on the whole Padawan trope. While these stories aren’t crucial to the original series, they accomplish their goal in giving fans of Alita extra content to savour, especially the more minute details that make this series so special to them. With solid artwork reminiscent of Yukito Kishiro’s original artwork, the stories all vary in quality and length, but deliver quick and fun snippets of the universe. From action sequences to reflections on love and life, each story allows fans to rejoice with satisfaction at the cyberpunk world that will soon be adapted onto the big screen. The volume also contains exclusive bonus material, especially background information and private thoughts by the creator himself on each short story, but also on the tough period of his life that coincided with the end of the original series. Battle Angel Alita: Holy Night and Other Stories is a beautiful collection of short stories that will surge a nostalgic feeling in fans of the series without introducing ground-breaking stories. Yours truly, Lashaan | Blogger and Book Reviewer Having completed the original Alita run with all five beautiful Kodansha Comics deluxe editions, it was only a matter of time before I completed it with this latest volume collecting four short stories. With an accompanied afterword at the end of the volume regarding each story and the context in which Yukito Kishiro had to write them, these stories accomplished their sole mission: nostalgia. With solid artwork reminiscent of Yukito Kishiro's original artwork, the stories all vary in quality and length, but deliver quick and fun snippets of the universe. From action sequences to reflections on love and life, this is a great volume for fans of the series to pick up. P.S. Full review to come. Yours truly, Lashaan | Blogger and Book Reviewer
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- manga read-in-2018
344 reviews3 followers
Dans les années 90, si tu étais un lecteur de manga, il n’y avait pas beaucoup de manga culte à lire. Dragon Ball, Kenshin et Akira étaient pas mal la base que tout le monde se procurait. Cependant, plusieurs personnes, comme moi, avait mis la main sur Gunm. Un seinen hors de l’ordinaire qui rassemblait toutes les bonne chose d’un bon manga et surtout d’un manga différent. J’ai déjà fait la critique donc je ne m’éterniserai pas la dessus. Mais pour faire court, ce manga est un must à lire et j’en aurais pris plus. Par contre, la suite (Gunm Last Order) était tellement décalé que j’en ai eu l’impression que l’auteur avait perdu le petit quelque chose qui faisait de cette série un must. Pour être franc, je n’ai pas aimé Gunm Last Order, j’ai même abandonné en court de route et j’ai vendu ma collection, les seul volume que j’ai gardé sont les 2 derniers car ils se rapprochent beaucoup de la série original, comme une «alternate & extended» ending. Encore là, ce n’était pas tant meilleur et l’auteur retombait encore dans ses défaut de Last Order (explication qui fini pu, technobable incompréhensible et un manque d’âme). Mais quand j’ai appris que l’auteur avait produit des histoires courtes aux alentour de la production originale, j’ai immédiatement sauté sur la chance de pouvoir lire ces histoire avec le reprint tant attendu de Gunm Other Stories. Voici donc ce que j’en ai pensé. Ce livre contient 4 histoires. La première Chant de Noël est une histoire que l’auteur a écrit en 1989. Elle relate les aventure de Ido dans ses premières années dans la décharge. Une histoire noire, sombre et avec un côté très dépressif, du bon Gunm quoi. On y reconnaît immédiatement la patte originale de l’auteur. La seconde histoire Le doigt Sonic et la troisième Retour aux Sources ont été écrit entre 1994 et 2000, soit avant Gunm Last Order. Un peu moins noire, moins bien établie et surtout moins intéressante, elles restent tout de même supérieur à la totalité de ce qui s’est fait dans Last Order. Encore du bon divertissement et surtout du bon, mais pas excellent Gunm. L’histoire finale, elle, a été écrite pendant la production de Gunm Last Order et joui malheureusement des défaut de la série. Par contre, comme l’histoire est quand même simple et que c’est plus une side-story, je dois dire que je l’ai apprécié. En fait, si le livre avait été produit à l’envers sa aurait été meilleur. Car a on a droit, à mon avis, à la meilleur histoire en premier, et ensuite elle sont en ordre décroissant de qualité. Si j’avais lu Barjack Rhapsody en premier j’aurais été content, les deux autres m’aurait paru bien meilleur et j’aurais eu la cerise sur le sunday avec Chant de Noël. Mais quand même, le prix en vaut la chandelle car ce recueille d’histoires courte est quand même très bien réussi et à mon avis un must à avoir pour les fan de la série originale. Vous pouvez facilement vous priver de Last Order et même ignorer l’extended et alternate ending; la série originale + Other Stories et vous êtes en business. Un beau petit dernier au revoir avant de passer à une autre série. Petit bonus de fin de volume, l’auteur nous partage ses pensées sur le recueille et surtout le pourquoi la série originale avait été si abruptement arrêté. Je pensais que s’était par manque de popularité ou par peur de perdre le contrôle de cette magnifique série, mais non. L’auteur nous partage qu’il était en dépression et qu’il a dû arrêter avant de nuire à sa série. En fait, je suis content d’avoir ce partage. Ça m’a permis de pouvoir comprendre pourquoi Gunm et Gunm Last Order sont si différents. Pourquoi la vieille série est meilleure (à mes yeux) et pourquoi la nouvelle série perd de sa puissance autant en histoire, qu’en dessin et qu’en production globale. Tous les artistes que je connais m’ont tous dit que leurs meilleurs œuvre se sont fait dans l’état d’esprit fragile mais balancé entre la dépression et le désespoir. Avoir des idées noir ça fait produire des chef d’oeuvres, malheureusement vivre de cette manière est un enfer et comme la job de Mangaka est déjà un enfer de base, c’est facile de comprendre comment l’auteur a pu nous époustoufler avec l’une des meilleur histoire de science fiction jamais écrite avec son état d’esprit de l’époque et comment aujourd’hui il est une pâle copie de ce qu’il était en étant aujourd’hui sortie de cette état dépressif si bon pour l’art. Si on avait lu Last Order en premier on aurait suremen aimé et dit que l’original était son chef d’oeuvre. Au niveau du monde on ne se sent pas perdu. On a droit à un peu plus de World Building, ce qui ne fait pas peine à lire car je l’ai déjà dit, j’en aurait pris plus. Gunm est de ces histoire dont le monde nous donne envie d’en apprendre plus, qui nous donne envie de savoir ce qui se cache ailleurs dans cet univers et Other Stories nous les donnes ces petites goûtes de savoir tant désiré. Encore une fois j’en aurait pris plus. C’est juste dommage que l’auteur n’aie pas eu la force et la santé mentale de pouvoir poussé son œuvre originale aux maximum. Donc pour résumer, ce livre est digne de la série Gunm. Je lui donne un gros 4 étoiles bien mérité. L’inégalité des histoire et les défauts de Barjack Rhapsody ne peuvent être ignoré. Ce livre est loin d’être le chef d’oeuvre qu’est la série originale. Cependant elle en fait bel et bien partie et devrait être lu par les fan des 9 volume de Gunm. La production ainsi que la qualité du papier de ce livre sont #1 et juste pour Chant de Noël le livre vaut le prix. Les deux histoires suivantes sont a mon avis le crémage sur un gâteau déjà excellent et Barjack Rhapsody est quant à lui une bonne finalité. Je recommende donc ce livre à tous les fan de la série originale et si vous êtes fan de Last Order vous serez pas déçu.
Au niveau du dessin je suis très impressionné car toutes les mini histoires ont été écrire, produite, dessiné et peaufiner par l’auteur seul. Que ce soit les décors, les effets d’encre et même le fini à l’encre; tout à été fait par un homme seul. Je dois dire que juste pour ça le livre vaut la peine. Ce manga est magnifique et est présenté de manière majestueuse. Un plaisir pour les yeux et en plus on a droit au bon vieux dessin de l’auteur qui avait pas encore perdu son style, sauf peut-être pour Barjack Rhapsody qui lui est du style Last Order qui est moins beau. Pour les fan de la vieille série, vous ne serez pas déçu.
- manga
346 reviews39 followers
More awesomeness.
I'm gonna get Last Order next. Definitely want more of this.
- weaboo-book-club
Zack Clopton
Author3 books1 follower
My journey through the world of "Battle Angel" isn't quite up yet. Also recently published is the collection "Holy Night and Other Stories." Largely composed of side stories, Alita herself only stars in two of these stories. (And one of those is more like a cameo.) This is the first time these "gaiden" stories are officially available in English. Most of the book is composed of "Holy Night," a prequel story about Ido. Set over a period of a year, beginning and ending at Christmas time, it follows the surgeon discovering his craft and forming a romance with a strange, child-like girl he finds on the street. It's interesting to see a more cynical Ido and the story is fittingly sweet, with the kind of heart-breaking ending Kishiro is really good at. (And, because this is still "Battle Angel," there's some extremely gruesome violence springing up out of nowhere.) The next story, "Supersonic Fingers," is set between the second and third Deluxe Editions. In it, post-Motorball Alita and a motley crew of Hunter-Warriors come into conflict with an assassin that kills by tossing ball bearings at supersonic speeds. It's a solid enough little story - the devotion the other bounty hunters have to Alita is adorable - but ultimately feels like the kind of filler story a long-running anime might've thrown in in-between longer arcs. It also features Alita wearing Daisy Dukes, a truly bizarre sight. The third story is the collection's shortest. "Homecoming" details a Deckman - one of the weird robots that operate the various Factory duties around Iron City - wandering off on his own little adventure. Told largely without dialogue, it's an adorable little story with another sad, downbeat ending. It's also probably my favorite in the set, showing the nice mix of poignant cuteness and grittiness that was this manga's specialty. Lastly, we concluded with "Barjack Rhapsody." Though technically set in the "Last Order" continuity, there's very little keeping this from acting as an extended epilogue to the original series. Following photographer Koyomi chasing sightings of a resurrected Barjack warlord Den, with a corporate cover-up soon emerging, it's a decent enough story. Koyomi's personality is still the book's weirdest. She's always an enthusiastic kid but her moral center seem to vary from appearance to appearance. Mostly, "Barjack Rhapsody" exists to wrap up a few lingering plot points from the original "Battle Angel." Though told competently, it doesn't add a whole lot. Either way, I'm still glad I got a chance to read this. I'd say the collection is worth picking up for "Holy Night" and "Homecoming," even if it's likely only hardcore "Battle Angel" fans will be interested in reading these.
287 reviews
When I heard they are going to published for English readers four short stories that revolves around the Alita's universe. Reading these four stories is a good companion to the original stories. In Holy Night, this is a prequel short story before Doc Ido discovered Alita's body. Before he opens a shop in the Scrapyard, he was an exiled citizen of Zalem. There, he saved a girl who has no ability to speak that turn into a love interest. But this girl has a past that will lead to his ability to earn his living and more before the events of the first volume. In Sonic Finger, we learn more about Alita and her hunter friends after the events of volume 4. An infamous wanted killer known as Sonic Fingers wants a challenge with Alita. Hometown is a story without words following a Deckerman, on his journey to a place that it might call home. Last but not least, Barjack Rhapsody took place after the events of the fall of Den and Barjack where Koyomi, lost in the midst of these events have heard the return of Den, when he was sighted. That leads Koyomi to discover the truth about Den and how it leads her to her career as a journalist. This is an important companion piece for fans of Alita. The artwork really brings back nostalgic memories of Yukito Kishiro before the days of Last Order and its so refine that really gives that good feeling looking at them. Of course, story-wise is what it is. With an extra explanation interview of each short story, the entire deluxe editions of Battle Angel Alita plus this companion feels complete. No fan will regret getting this manga.
- mangas
1,559 reviews37 followers
This book collects four short stories set in the Alita-verse, two of which feature Alita herself. We open with a story featuring Ido, shortly after he was banished from Zalem and his discovery of a girl who needs his help (sound familiar?). It's quite a melancholy story, but gives us more insight into Alita's 'father'. Second up, we have Sonic Finger, set during what I think of as a golden period of Alita's time in the Scrapyard. She's finished with Motorball and being a hunter-warrior, but is beloved by them and trains them. When someone attacks her with what appears to be a gun, her friends all rally round. There's a lot more action in this one, but no real depth. We don't get any character development or even any real reason as to why Sonic Finger was doing it. The third story is a short one with hardly any dialogue, featuring a Deckman who left the scrapyard, and its encounter with Alita. This one manages to pack a lot of punch into a short, almost wordless story. We see the Deckman learning about the world outside the Scrapyard, playing with children and seeing the beauty of a sunset. All the while being trailed by Alita in her A-1 TUNED phase. The final story is set after the end of the main series, following Koyomi's attempts to be a journalist photographer, and her desire to find the rumoured still living leader of the Barjack rebellion again, just so that she can have a purpose in life. Again, not a huge amount of action, but some nice character development for Koyomi. These are an enjoyable set of stories in the Alita-verse that help round out her world, but are by no means essential.
- graphic-novel manga post-apocalypse
1,239 reviews16 followers
This is an interesting collection of short stories set int he Alita universe. In it we follow Ido and his path to becoming cyborg-doctor in Scrapyard, we follow Alita as she chases down mysterious assassin (and barely manages to defeat him), Alita on a mission to neutralize one of the droid's used for controlling the Zalem factories, and finally Koyomi's attempt to raise back the Barjack revolution that does not quite work out thanks tot he old hand who knows what war actually is. While Alita's stories are straight forward action stories in manner of lone martial artist challenging the forces of evil (place any Kung-Fu movie from the 70's here :)) Koyomi's and Ido's stories are more personal. In both stories our main protagonist's try to find their true purpose, meaning of life and this brings them on a path where they learn more about world around them but also they manage to defeat their inner daemons - Koyomi's destructive nature (out of sheer rebellious approach to everything that is so natural to everyone young) and Ido's general dislike of cyborg (being from Zalem where there are no cyborgs as is case in Scrapyard) that prevents him from becoming a cyborg doctor/maintenance [as an upgrade applied to his previous expert knowledge of biology and being a gifted physician]. These are stories of fear, but also coping with tragedy and finally accepting life as it is. Art as always is beautiful, I know I repeat myself but again I can only say pure joy for the eyes. Highly recommended to all fans of Alita universe and SF action.
- action adventure alita
1,930 reviews31 followers
Four stories never before published in English Like the other manga in the Alita Universe this book is rated Older Teen so be sure to look through it to see if you are okay with younger readers seeing violence, swearing, and death. Being a fan of the Battle Angel Alita books I found myself pretty much understanding when these 4 short stories would fit into the story but even if I did not Yukito Kishiro has an excellent track record with adding cliff notes to better understand things we experience in this classic cyberpunk story. In fact if you go to the end of the book there are facts about the short stories including time lines even if you are new to the series. :) Among the new stories I think Holy Night is my favorite even though it happens before the arrival of our heroine Alita and it is a bit of an emotional tale with a surprise end. If you like Doctor Ito and want to see how he become the cyber surgeon he is in the main story then this story may be for you too. Prepare to unleash the feels. :)
- battle-angel-alita manga
3,035 reviews12 followers
This is a collection of stories that happen during gaps in the original manga series. Written later than the first series, they have an odd feel to them, as the writer was just coming back to the Alita universe when these stories began.
The title story, "Holy Night," was probably the most tightly tied to the series, as it gives a little more detail to the back story of the cyberdoc who found Alita and restored her. Still, after reading this and seeing the movie, I've decided that he just had an obsession with the name Alita, since the story character was apparently his THIRD use of the name.
The other stories, including the one from which the cover illustration is taken, are dark and somewhat depressing, but that's not out of keeping with the series. Still, how many "body doubles" does a giant combat mech really need?
- manga-science-fiction
657 reviews11 followers
In this last of the deluxe volumes we are treated to 4 stories never before released in the Battle Angel Alita-verse. I for one enjoyed them. I enjoyed Holy Night and learning more about Ido and his past. Sonic Finger was pretty much pure BAA. Hometown was a tad melancholy. And Barjack Rhapsody was also pretty interesting. Best of all -- NO Motorball! Verdict: Aside from Holy Night, none of them really brings out much in the universe, but they're all quick and interesting. Certainly worth taking a look at if you've never read them before.
441 reviews39 followers
I kinda liked Holy Night and Barjack Rhapsody, but I hated Supersonic Fingers, and I was mostly really bored through the very short Homecoming. All in all, it seems I enjoyed the short stories that had nothing to do with Gally... which kinda goes along with some of the issues I had with the main series. But since I don't actually regret reading this compilation of short stories (although I hesitated a lot after finishing the main series and how I didn't really enjoy it), so I guess it's worth a standard 3 stars rating. 🤔
- graphic-novels reviewed sci-fi
Tvrtko Balić
231 reviews70 followers
This being a collection of bonus stories for the main Battle Angel Alita series means that expectations are probably not very high. Well it exceeds them. I actually first read these stories in between the chapters of the main series in what is probably release order and they not only offer a lagniappe that expands on the world and characters, but they can elevate volumes which is definitely true for the first story, Holy Night. I definitely recommend this to the fans of the series, these chapters should not be skipped.
- manga
283 reviews
Following 'Ashen Victor' tagged onto the last volume of the deluxe Alita books, 'Holy Night' includes four stories written after the original Alita series ended. They're all better than I expected, but none are essential to the series. As much as I liked the presentation of this deluxe release, I can't help but feeling like I should sell these and pick up the smaller paperbacks being reprinted. There's just a lot of extras. It's definitely a great way to read the series for the first time though.
Mars Dorian
Author9 books28 followers
Terrific short story collection in the Battle Angel universe dealing with robot-human issues, drawn in black and white with incredible action scenes. The last big mini-story featuring a motorball mystery story hits the hardest. It's served in a striking black and white manga style reminding me of Frank Miller at times. The crime story dealing with a conspiracy involving the money and brutality of the fantasy sport motorball make this the best and biggest story in an already grrreat volume.
Alexander Engel-Hodgkinson
Author22 books38 followers
This brisk collection of side stories doesn't disappoint. Yukito's artwork (most done without assistants) is pretty great, though a bit simpler than later chapters of the original series. Most of these stories are kinda sad, but the last two end on more optimistic notes, which is nice to see for a change. Artwork looks cleaner, the writing is simpler (as it should be, since these are shorts). I don't really have anything to say about any of them individually, as they all had about the same impact on me. I will say though that Holy Night was definitely the strongest of the bunch.
- action adult adventure
David Roberts
19 reviews
I was not expecting too much from this compendium but it came as a pleasant surprise. It seems that shorter stories seem to be Yukito Kishiro's forte. Holy Night & Barjack Rhapsody in particular are highlights. If you are expecting more fast paced action starring the titular Alita this may dissapoint (although she does make a few apperances). If you want some true 'cyberpunk' stories set in the world of the Scrapyard and its surroundings then this is for you.
29 reviews
This is the set that includes excerpts from the original, including "Holy Night," which is certainly one of my favorite scenes in the entire saga. I make frequent reference of it, primarily because it is also the shortest and best representation of the literary artistry throughout the KISHIRO's works. Enjoy! And, Read on my friends! Jeff
952 reviews41 followers
This was a great series of side stories, some of which feature much needed background or extra character development for some of the other major characters in the Battle Angel series. Each one was good and up to the high standard of Mr. Kishiro’s work. Highly recommended for fans of the series!
1,428 reviews
After you finish the first series of Alita, this volume includes a bunch of side stories about some of the same characters. The stories are all pretty good, and much better than I expected. There's nothing revolutionary here, but it is full of nice moments.
- local-library
111 reviews
If you liked the main series of Battle Angel Alita this is a very good & cute side story collection! The stories give a look into some other aspects of what you did not see in the main manga, & to a fan of Alita it is most definitely an enjoyable read.
260 reviews6 followers
This was an interesting collection. I enjoyed the notes in the back and hearing a bit about what caused the break in the original Alita sorry. I had forgotten about it until now. Overall a nice, tight, collection of one-off stories.
- 2020
3,181 reviews6 followers
I'm always happy to revisit the world of Battle Angel Alita! There's plenty more stories to be told in between and around the original ones, of course. These are but a few of them, encompassing both the heartfelt compassion and lightning-speed action you'd expect.
90 reviews3 followers
Finally translated into English, these side stories are a fun and thrilling look into the world of Battle Angel.
266 reviews
This entire book is worth it just to see Alita in sports clothes.
253 reviews6 followers
The art is top notch, as always, but Kishiro really distinguishes himself as a writer with these stories. 10/10 W ould read again.
- manga
137 reviews1 follower
Shorter than expected At over 300 pages I’m surprised how quickly I zipped through all the stories. I wish there was more to this volume!
John Funderburg
589 reviews1 follower
4.5 stars. A wonderful collection of b-side stories from the Alita universe. Can't wait to dive into Last Order.
487 reviews36 followers
Random short stories using various characters from the books.
Vitaliy Hristyuk
641 reviews5 followers
A bit extra for Alita lovers :)
Sean Patterson
64 reviews
Another fabulous jaunt into the classic cyberpunk world. The followup notes from the author and timeline were a nice touch.