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Last summer my wife and I went on a car trip. A couple of days before we were going to leave I was having some bowel issues where I had a couple of poopy accidents in my pants. When we left for the trip I was in diapers just in case it continued. When we got to our destination, my diaper was super wet (no poop accidents). My wife was surprised that I was wet as she thought I was just wearing them for accidents. My thinking was that I was diapered so I might as well wet in it too. She scolded me a little for wetting my pants, then I got changed and was in diapers for most of the rest of the trip.
I wonder if anyone has worn or been put in "just in case" diapers? Also have you ever just used your diaper on purpose, even though they were only meant for accidents? Were you wearing them in case you wet, but then pooped or were you wearing in case of poop but wet anyway?
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Any "just in case" diapers i've been put in (not by my own doing) were probably around the time i was potty training and going on long car rides/trips.
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My diapers are not "just in case" rather "inevitable" diapers!
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I wonder if anyone has worn or been put in "just in case" diapers? - For me there is not now, nor was there ever any such thing! (life-long 24/7 ic issues)
Also have you ever just used your diaper on purpose, even though they were only meant for accidents? - N/A as written, but there were times just to "got it over with" when a CG made it very clear I was going to have a mess on my butt for a bit (Yes I was bad OK, I am NOT perfect you know!)
Were you wearing them in case you wet, but then pooped or were you wearing in case of poop but wet anyway? - N/A
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There are certain situations where my daddy will put me in a diaper: on long trips (where a potty may not be easy to find), on outings like movies (where I may not want to leave the activity to go potty), and in situations where an accident would be embarrassing (like the doctor's office).
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I've never been put in or put on, or even really needed a "just in case" diaper but the last road trip that I went on has made me want to throw 2 in my bag just to have them.
APA Publication Manual enjoyer
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I haven't been put in them as an adult, but I voluntarily chose to start wearing diapers some of the time for "just in case" reasons when I was 17. That gradually developed into wearing diapers more and more of the time, and I've been 24/7 since shortly before I was 18 (I'm now coming up on 27).
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yes when i was a kid till about 17 when traveling i would be put in diapers and when im in my teens my mom would ask me to wear one just in case as i would usually tend to wet when on long flights . I did use my diaper on purpose because theres no restroom in sight . It was embarrassing at the time but thinking back about it is kinda fun .
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I always wear some kind of protection when I travel, particularly if I am flying, because there are times when I just cannot get to a restroom when I absolutely need to pee. Seems to happen during descent and landing, especially with turbulence. I won't fully wet if I can help it, but my protection get used to some extent in these cases.
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nwm said:
Were you wearing them in case you wet, but then pooped or were you wearing in case of poop but wet anyway? - N/A
We left on Sunday, Thursday and Friday before we left, I'd had a couple of mishaps with not making it, and pooping in my pants. I wore a diaper in the car just in case I had to poop suddenly. I ended up not having any issues but was very wet
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The only "just in case" products I use out of necessity are pads, because sometimes stress and anxiety makes me leak a bit in public. I've never had to use an actual diaper or pull-up for its intended (unintentional) purpose.
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I never had to but there have been long trips I’ve considered wearing one as a just in case. I’ll be doing a 1-2 hour road trip soon and I’ve been debating on wearing a diaper but I’ll be with my friends so I’m not sure if I’ll risk it, even with a weak bladder I can hold it.
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I travel back and forth 2+ hours in the car on mondays and fridays driving out to work as a just in case for my bladder. I have urge incon and OAB so I usually use it at least once on the drive out and multiple times on the drive l home. This morning I was in the middle of nowhere and felt the urge in my gut, I was able to hold it but barely, I almost unloaded into my diaper in the gas station parking lot. I made it to the toilet just in time and was really glad I did not have to use my diaper for that this morning.
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I was diaperd. Slightly wet. Drinking a 44 oz fountain Mount Dew from Gas station
I got onto to interstate highway. 2 miles later. Traffic standstill. Was a major accident ahead. I prayed for the accident victims / for the protection of those involved.
Well it was a 2 hour backup. After the first 45 minutes or so. A strong urge hit my gut. I needed to go#2 badly. Well I did give in. Filled diaper with a mess.
If I didn't have a diaper on . It would be definitely be awkward. I probably would have ran into the woods find a,spot and go. Oh yes-- while there I observed 3 people go into woods, then come back out. Even a couple set up a picnic in the side grass, making sandwiches and such
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mikedp7815 said:
I was diaperd. Slightly wet. Drinking a 44 oz fountain Mount Dew from Gas station
I got onto to interstate highway. 2 miles later. Traffic standstill. Was a major accident ahead. I prayed for the accident victims / for the protection of those involved.
Well it was a 2 hour backup. After the first 45 minutes or so. A strong urge hit my gut. I needed to go#2 badly. Well I did give in. Filled diaper with a mess.
If I didn't have a diaper on . It would be definitely be awkward. I probably would have ran into the woods find a,spot and go. Oh yes-- while there I observed 3 people go into woods, then come back out. Even a couple set up a picnic in the side grass, making sandwiches and such
Was in a similar situation YEARS back - forget how long a delay, but WAY longer than that. In that case it went as far as Charcoal grilling, NOT on the grass, or shoulder - literally right in the middle of the highway!
A wee brat who likes his binky, sippy and dips.
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Truth is, sometimes I've put on a just in case diaper and ended up using it just because I knew it was there, especially if I'm in a car. It was just in case I fall asleep but then it becomes "okay I need to go a little so just this one time in my diaper".
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I have worn just in case diapers for a long time now , sure makes cross country driving easier for me.
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I started to wear for fun in my late teens, and then just in case later when I was attending the uni. As the years went I started to develop bladder incontinence, so adult diapers became more and more mandatory and I started to wear full time.
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When the IBS is acting up I am in some form of protection 24/7 until it calms down. Sometimes it's a race i barely win to get the 30 ft from the couch to the bathroom, other times I lose...mostly just a few squirts into the diaper. A few times I have woken up in a messy diaper. But If I am in a diaper I pee in my diaper every time!
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I have worn diapers on many road trips just in case I’d have an accident in my pants. Well one one particular trip, those diapers served me well as I did poop and pee my diaper and I ended up using two more diapers which I also did wet and mess. I knew I’d need diapers during almost five hours as I have wet and poopy accidents at home and out in public. I stay prepared with spare diapers just in case I have an accident wet and or messy. No problem, I just deal with it , change my dirty diaper and move on. I don’t panic as that would draw unnecessary attention to myself