What adult diapers most resemble pampers (2025)

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  • Adult Diapers
  • Thread starterlilzander382
  • Start dateMar 19, 2019


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    Anyone know of any adult diapers that somewhat resembles pampers look and feel and similar style of prints?




    1. Adult Baby
    2. Diaper Lover

      lilzander382 said:

      Anyone know of any adult diapers that somewhat resembles pampers look and feel and similar style of prints?

      Well if what you mean by “replica” is the same as me and others as in, the overall design and construction of the diaper then no. I wish I did, cause I would be a loyal customer. The old sdk’s v1 fit that description of a pamper replica, but they changed the shape of the padding and the plasticWhat adult diapers most resemble pampers (2). Realistically all diapers that are supposedly called ab/dL diapers are just medical diapers with a cute print for the tape landing zone, and people are actually easily sold by it. there is not much difference if any between all these companies ab/dL diapers anymore.

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      1. Adult Baby
      2. Diaper Lover

        DanielW said:

        Ebay, etsy, and Alibaba all sell replica-style, adult-sized diapers and pull-ups...

        otherwise, you probably know about the AB/DL diapers available.

        Don’t you have to by a huge container from alibaba to actually get those diapers? I was on alibaba a while ago searching and I did run into exact replica 1980’s pampers(they looked awesome) but in order to get them you would have to buy a massive ton of them.

          DanielW said:

          Sometimes, yes...not always. It depends on the seller. If The OP really wants that type of diaper, then it might be worth it to buy 6 months worth.

          Ebay and Etsy both sell smaller quantities - however I haven't tried them - not really my "thing"

          I’m not to tech savvy when it comes to posting links and images on here, but if do run into them online would you mind letting me know?

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          Est. Contributor

          1. Diaper Lover

            I would say there is nothing out there worthwhile that resembles Pampers, but print wise I think there are parts of the Print on Kiddos that resembles parts of the Print on the new Pampers Baby Dry.

            Kiddos are also probably the best combination of quality, high absorbency, and a shape closer to Pampers (having 2 OverSized tabs instead of the 4 Tabs that most Adult diapers have)


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              DanielW said:

              What adult diapers most resemble pampers (5)

              Buy cute diapers, pacifiers ABDL toys for adult nursery by DiaperLoving

              You searched for: DiaperLoving! Discover the unique items that DiaperLoving creates. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global community of sellers. Each Etsy seller helps contribute to a global marketplace of creative goods. By supporting DiaperLoving, you’re supporting a small business, and...

              What adult diapers most resemble pampers (6)www.etsy.com

              Her's a shop on Etsy. I haven't bought from them (and I am not affiliated with them, but they seem to have a decent rating.

              I think it’s worth better to buy actual adult diapers with prints, most of the diapers from that shop are just children’s diapers with side extenders. Those upsized diapers would only hold about one wetting and probably cannot stand holding a big load of poop.



              Est. Contributor

              1. Diaper Lover

                lilzander382 said:

                Anyone know of any adult diapers that somewhat resembles pampers look and feel and similar style of prints?

                If you really want a diaper with a structural Diaper equivalent to a Pampers Baby dry the only brand I know able to offer this is Diapnext the structural design is better than a Pampers, and the absorbency is better than the best ABDL Diaper it weighs less than an a half off a better ABDL Diaper and it's extra thin, the only thing you eventually can't like is the graphical design is neutral. And do not look for it on the market it is in development. But a rumor tells me that you can find dev test samples in the future on Diapdev.

                I hope this could help you or other people there are looking for this type of product What adult diapers most resemble pampers (8)



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                1. Diaper Lover

                  bigtoddler96 said:

                  I think it’s worth better to buy actual adult diapers with prints, most of the diapers from that shop are just children’s diapers with side extenders. Those upsized diapers would only hold about one wetting and probably cannot stand holding a big load of poop.

                  Sure it is


                  Just your friendly neighborhood baa-by

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                    There's a new cloth disposable that has been trying to come to the market for a while now called Neva. Their cloth backed with ocean prints look remarkably like modern baby diapers though I've heard their performance is just okay.

                    They've been looking for distributors for a bit now not sure if they've found anything


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                    Est. Contributor

                    1. Diaper Lover

                      This exact question was discussed in a very recent thread. There too I mentioned that Rearz made a single run of Vintage Replica using an actual Pampers pattern for the front panel, applied to their Inspire line. Really the only thing making it less-than-authentic was the use of the double tapes. (they later had a single run of Inspire Select, which was an all-white single tape Inspire, too bad they didn't combine the two concepts!)

                      ABU's SDK are probably the best thing that's still available right now. They're also using an expired Pampers pattern iirc, and are single tape. They're not as high of a capacity though, but they're good for wearing in public without being as obvious, and unlike a lot of thinner diapers, they do have a fair amount of sap giving them decent capacity, though without much swelling.




                      1. Adult Baby
                      2. Diaper Lover

                        trysexiea said:

                        If you really want a diaper with a structural Diaper equivalent to a Pampers Baby dry the only brand I know able to offer this is Diapnext the structural design is better than a Pampers, and the absorbency is better than the best ABDL Diaper it weighs less than an a half off a better ABDL Diaper and it's extra thin, the only thing you eventually can't like is the graphical design is neutral. And do not look for it on the market it is in development. But a rumor tells me that you can find dev test samples in the future on Diapdev.

                        I hope this could help you or other people there are looking for this type of product What adult diapers most resemble pampers (13)

                        This Sounds interesting, Is there a website for this ?



                        Est. Contributor

                        1. Diaper Lover

                          Twee said:

                          This Sounds interesting, Is there a website for this ?

                          Yes there are but not very useful for now.



                          1. Diaper Lover
                          2. Little

                            lilzander382 said:

                            Anyone know of any adult diapers that somewhat resembles pampers look and feel and similar style of prints?

                            I LOVE pampers


                            Est. Contributor

                            1. Adult Baby
                            2. Diaper Lover

                              The closest I’ve found are Rearz Inspire. They’re pretty plain - white with blue trim - but the single tape is magical.


                              Est. Contributor

                              1. Adult Baby
                              2. Diaper Lover
                              3. Little

                                Bambino Magnifico has stretchy sides and an all-over print, but it’s still plastic-backed, while ABU’s Preschool CB resembles the 2000s baby diapers with cloth-like cover and a front panel design.

                                Last edited:


                                Est. Contributor

                                1. Diaper Lover

                                  Rearz Vintage Replica: What adult diapers most resemble pampers (19)

                                  actual Pampers (phases):

                                  What adult diapers most resemble pampers (20)

                                  ABU SDK:

                                  actual Pampers (baby dry):

                                  What adult diapers most resemble pampers (22)

                                  What adult diapers most resemble pampers (2025)
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                                  Name: Reed Wilderman

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